"Abigail" - Casting Call
Produção de curta-metragem inglesa, a rodar no Barlavento do Algarve entre 17 e 21 de Setembro de 2010. Se estiver interessado em participar no casting no fim-de-semana, preferencialmente no domingo dia 12 de Setembro ou na semana seguinte, em Portimão ou Faro, por favor confirme através do e-mail ericjaspers@gmail.com, com o assunto "Abigail" - Casting Call.
Eric Jaspers
(casting director)
“Abigail” Synopsis - 1852. The sun rises over the hillsides to reveal a man burnt, stabbed and lynched from the night before. An unexplainable force draws him back to the living realm, he cuts himself down and heads home only to discover his family and home are in ruins. “Abigail” is a dark, silent short film is about a lonely, changed man and his calling to revenge. Shooting days : Planning 3 days of shooting with 1 safety day. This short film is the first 8 minutes of a feature film pitch. Everyone involved will receive screen credit and DVD of final film and festival invites if available. We are currently submitting the project to IMDB.